Purdue University’s Dawn or Doom

Since a majority of us are visual learners, real-time visual note-taking is a perfect tool to retain, recall, and engage with information. That made us a powerful asset to Purdue University. They integrated us into their annual conference, Dawn Or Doom, which is an event that focuses on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, facial recognition, internet surveillance, and data science.

“The audience loves watching the graphic version of the presentation develop right in front of them.”

Diana Hancock, Director of Business Development


These works of art are so popular that they go on a ‘campus tour’ to be displayed in academic buildings after the event. “The visual notes are a part of the huge success of the annual Dawn or Doom conference,” says Diana Hancock, director of Business Development For Purdue Dawn or Doom.

“It’s quite amazing how the artists illustrate the spoken words creatively yet accurately.”

Questions about the unforeseen consequences of technology are discussed, and minds are always blown. Students use the visual notes as a reminder of all the sessions presented and to continue the conversations well after the event. The folks at Purdue complied an in-depth book about the event from 2014-2016 featuring our visual notes.